Dr. Julieta Antacli

Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal (IDEA-CONICET), Argentina

My Research Interests

My Research Interests are focused on the functioning of Antarctic marine planktonic food webs. I currently study the combined effects of increased temperature and decreased salinity on microbial <20 μm and zooplankton communities in Antarctic coastal ecosystems under experimentally-controlled conditions. I also study the presence of microplastics in Antarctic ecosystems and the plastivory by zooplankton.

My Objectives in CoastCarb

My main objective in CoastCarb is to study the effects of multiple environmental stressors on the bentho-pelagic (and pelago-benthic) coupling. Focusing principally in acidification, rise of temperature, decrease of salinity and sedimentation as stressors in Potter Cove.

  • Jun 2020 – Oct 2020 to AWI