Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
Currently my main scientific focus is on Arctic zooplankton ecology which is proving to be complimentary to my earlier studies on Southern Ocean zooplankton. My special emphasis is concentrated on the usage of optical method (e.g., Laser Optical Plankton Counter) in the plankton distribution and size structure investigations. Moreover, I am interested in diel vertical migration patterns, plankton composition and structure during polar night, trophic relationships in both zooplankton itself and between prey (zooplankton) and planktivorous predators (higher trophic levels) and meroplankton seasonal fluctuations. Additionally, as a taxonomic editor of SCAR-MarBIN RAMS I am involved in the taxonomy and zoogeography researches dealing with pelagic Ostracoda.
In CoastCarb my role is a co-ordination of IO PAN activities at Carlini Station using our experience gained recently in the European Arctic (Svalbard fjords). As a IO PAN group we aim to describe environmental conditions (salinity, temperature, seawater transparency, the amount and quality of suspended matter, nutrients) along the gradient from the glacier fronts to the clear open fjordic waters together with the characterization of phyto-, micro-, and zooplankton species composition and size structure, together with corresponding benthic assemblages. The other opportunity within the project is to collect all available environmental, plankton and benthos data gained from Polish Arctowski Station (King George Is.). All obtained results will be processed during the planned secondments and finally might be also used within modelling of Antarctic coastal ecosystems.