Dr. Kerstin Jerosch
Coordinator & Lead WP 1

Alfred Wegener Institute Hemlholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Germany

My Research Interests

I look back at many years of national and international activities in the field of marine habitat mapping. I am particularly interested in describing and understanding benthic habitat shifts at the Antarctic seafloor due to environmental change such as glacial retreat. The spatio-temporal analyses and mapping are done by applying multivariate ecological modelling and GIS techniques.

My Objectives in CoastCarb

As scientific coordinator I am responsible for the organization of meetings and reporting, the coordination of research and training activities and website management. Together with Co-leader WP1 Andrea Piñones (IDEAL-UACh), I am involved in the Data Management Plan, in setting up a Data Information System (DIS) for South Patagonia and the West Antarctic Peninsula region, and in developing a generic index of deglaciation level for SP and WAP coasts/fjords initially based on environmental data layers.