Data analysis and discussion about ongoing and potential publications with Coastcarb partners
From February to March 2023 I did a secondment in ICBM-Oldenburg University. The main purpose was to analyse data and discuss ongoing and potential publications with Coastcarb partners. This cooperation has resulted in a recent publication in Journal of Marine Systems and a communication presented in the ASLO 2023 meeting.
Besides, I had the honor to participate in a scientific cruise to the North Sea onboard R/V Heincke with the local team. There I got in contact with novel apporaches that the local team is implementing to study coastal seas and atmosphere-sea exchanges with unprecedented resolution. In the picture, the scientific team poses next to a uniquely crafted drfiting array of sensors -nicknamed “Bernd”- which was created during the mission by Jens Meyerjurgens and his close coworkers.