Punta Arenas, Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena, Chile

Photo 1: Participants CoastCarb General Assembly October 17-21, 2022 in Punta Arenas, Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena, Chile

The CoastCarb General Assembly (GA) hosted jointly by AWI and UACh-IDEAL took place at the Dreams Hotel in Punta Arenas, Oct. 17-21, 2022. The GA was held as a hybrid meeting. The presentations, webex recordings, online participants list and chat history of the meeting days 4 and 5 are available on the project data exchange platform. Despite some technical difficulties, all participants enjoyed a successful hybrid meeting with about 45 participants on site and about 10 online.

During the opening ceremony, K. Jerosch (AWI) introduced to the project importance, its current status and goal. N. Lange (AWI) explained the EU requirements for secondees and secondments, and H. González (UACh-IDEAL) inspired with his thoughts about the South Patagonian and West Antarctic Peninsula coastal areas as a carbon sink. A number of local authorities expressed their interest in the CoastCarb project and the consortium: Daniela Droguett, SEREMI of Environment, Veronica Vallejos, SEREMI of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, CN Lt. Juan Pablo Colipi, Maritime Governor of Punta Arenas, and Irmgard Maria Fellner, Ambassadress Fed. Republic of Germany, Santiago de Chile.

Photo 2: From left to right: Dr, Humberto González, director Centro IDEAL, Veronica Vallejos (SEREMI of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of the Macro Southern Zone, Chile), Daniela Droguett (SEREMI of Environment, Región de Magallanes y de la Antartica Chilena), Dr Bernd Krock (AWI and project lead DYNAMO), Dr Kerstin Jerosch (AWI and project lead CoastCarb), Irmgard Maria Fellner (Ambassadress Fed. Republic of Germany, Santiago de Chile), Dr Irene Schloss (CONICET-CADIC in Ushuaia).

During the GA, we provided time for fruitful side talks, talking the advantage of the presence meeting after a long time of pandemic, during the ice breaker at the IDEAL Centre on Oct. 16th, the field trip on Oct. 19th to Fuerte Bulnes at Magallanes Strait, the conference dinner on Oct. 20th, and during breakout groups / workshops in the hotel as well as at the IDEAL Centre. At the end of the days, we listened to inspiring talks of invited speakers.